Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Jalan-jalan cari orkid : Kuala Lumpur 1

Selamat berjumpa lagi..

        Baru hari ini sempat untuk buat entri terbaru..sibuk dengan kerja.kerja lain..Isnin lepas saya kena pi bermesyuarat la pulak di Kuala Lumpur selama 4 hari..Pada hari Khamis tu sempatlah berjumpa dengan En. Saiful tuan punya blog Orkidla..En Saiful ni pun ajaklah saya pergi ke nurseri orkid yang berdekatan..Hah apa lagi..dengan pantas saya mengusung beg dan mengikut En. Saiful ni ke HOURAI ORCHIDS..Pemiliknya En. Seishi, seorang lelaki berbangsa Jepun yang menetap di Malaysia. Nurseri ini diuruskan sepenuhnya oleh beliau dan isteri.

        I was attending a meeting last week. For the last 4 days I was in Kuala Lumpur. During the last day I met my orchid friend Mr Saiful, and we went to HOURAI ORCHIDS..It is an orchid nursery managed by Mr. Seishi. a Japanese living in Malaysia..

        Di sini disediakan sebuah rumah orkid yang direka seperti sebuah taman untuk mempamerkan pokok-pokok orkid yang ditanam.

        This nursery is just not only for selling orchids but also as an orchid garden where orchids are display and to educate and generate the public awareness about orchid conservation.

        Bagi mereka yang baru nak berjinak-jinak dengan orkid bolehlah datang ke sini untuk melihat dengan lebih dekat bagaimana orkid dibiakkan dan ditanam. Nak datang dengan rombongan pun boleh.. pelajar-pelajar sekolah pun digalakkan..

        There is a special package provided by the nursery to students from all ages that might want to know more about orchid growing.

       Hampir kesemua orkid yang ditanam di sini adalah dari biji benih yang dicambahkankan sendiri oleh En. Seishi..

       Most of the orchids here were propagated by Mr. Seishi himself..

         Bongkah-bongkah batu buatan dijadikan tempat untuk mempamerkan orkid-orkid yang dibiarkan tumbuh melata..

        Orchids were tied and displayed on the man made stone structures, roots and branches..

        Antara spesis orkid yang berbunga di di rumah orkid Hourai..Kalau tak silap ini spesis bulbophyllum dari Afrika..

        This is African bulbophyllum..

       Paphiopedilum dan Epidendrum ditanam sebelah menyebelah..

       Paphiopedilum and Epidendrum grows side by side..

        Antara spesis Paphiopedilum.

        Paphiopedilum species were put inside this man made stone crevices

         Ini adalah hybrid dari keluarga Cattleya..

         A Cattleya hybrid..

       Spesis Diplocaulobium dari Australia..

       Australian Diplocaulabium inside a half cut bamboo.

        Juga spesis Diplocaulobium yang baru habis berbunga.

        Diplocaulobium just finished flowering..

Berbagai spesis Phalaenopsi.

Display of many species of phalaenopsis..

        Pagar buluh adalah merupakan ciri-ciri landskap utama masyarakat Jepun..beberapa spesis Phalaenopsis disangkutkan padanya.

        Bamboo fence is one of the characteristics in Japanese garden style..here seen with orchids tied on it.

        Selepas diletakkan di bongkah batu dan pohon buatan ini ia dibiarkan tumbuh dengan sendiri..

        Orchids was left to grow freely..

        Paku-pakis Tanduk rusa ini juga di letakkan sebagai penyeri taman..

        A stag horn fern are among the non orchid plants grown for aesthetic purposes and they get along well with orchids.

Habenaria rhodocheila

        Gambar-gambar di bawah menunjukkan  rumah orkid yang satu lagi..kedua-duanya terletak bertentang antara satu sama lain..di dalam sinilah tempat pokok-pokok orkid untuk jualan..

        All the pictures below showing the other nursery opposite the main one..This is where sorchids eedlings or cutting are sold..

Akhir kata..Hmm..biasalah..kalau dah pi tu..mesti ada yang tersangkut punya...Terima Kasih kepada En. Saiful yang rajin bercerita...

As usual.. when visiting an orchid nursery it is impossible for me to leave empty handed.. :)

Don't send me flowers when I'm dead. If you like me, send them while I'm alive. 
- Brian Clough



  1. I have watched Hourai since its beginning. The work of Mr. Hirayama and his wife Reen has been a labor of love for the last 15 years. Hourai started as a very small entity and has grown substantially to become a world class grower of orchids. Hourai has created several techniques from an environmentally controlled incubation to specie promulgation. Hourai is a very unique experience for lovers of orchids and I highly recommend a visit.
    J. Runfola

    1. I have been trying to email Hourai Orchids and my messages bounce back. I am visiting KL in December and would like to visit his nursery. Is Seishi still selling orchids? Is he in KL or Selangor? Any information would be greatly appreciated.

  2. like to know where this farm is located

  3. It's fantastic! I'm italian and Seishi Hirayama is my friend, for me, one of the best expert of orchids in the world! I hope to visit him in the future.

    Alessandro Maiolino

  4. like to know where this farm is located ...
