Friday, December 9, 2011

WOC - World Orchid Conference 2011

   of the worlds biggest orchid 'fiesta' is here in Asia, The World Orchid Conference (WOC) making it's comeback every three years.. I've planned to attend this big event since last year, luckily for me, things has going down well as planned, minus some 'glitches' here and last I was there..yay !

            Now, its Singapore's turn to host this most grand event in honouring orchid as one of the most celebrated flower in the world..This is the 20th time for WOC to be held. Malaysia and Singapore are neighbouring countries so without wasting any time me and my orchid 'gang' booked the tickets and fly there..

           Words cannot describe the excitement and anticipation that was mounting inside me before the exhibition door was open..

           Akhirnya..salah satu 'pesta' orkid yang terbesar diadakan di Benua Asia..World Orchid Conference (WOC) kali ke-20 telah berjaya dianjurkan sekali lagi selang tiga tahun..Negara yang terpilih kali ini ialah Singapura..Walaupun masa ni saya tengah sibuk sangat, tapi orkid punya pasal apapun sanggup, ialah bukan senang 'event' ni nak sampai ke rantau sebelah sini..lagipun dah plan dari tahun lepas. Apa lagi saya dan 'geng' orkid pun book tiket terus terbang ke sana..bagi yang 'gila' orkid, rugi sangat kalau ada masa dan wang tetapi tak pergi...

 This is a MUST post here..take a look..

 Arrived at Changi Airport, There I was greeted with a nice display of orchids already..

 'White Dendrobium tree' adorned the left and right along the corridor lead tu the main 
exhibition hall..

 We arrived there quite early,  people are starting to come in..

 Get our tickets..

 And the exhibition hall was open......up front, a very nice display from Papua New Guinea..

 PNG display was among the best this time..If I'm not mistaken they got the first place in this category.

 The uses of orchids, the choice of colour/arrangement combined with traditional giant wooden mask makes a very striking display.

 This is the first time that I see Dendrobium cuthbertsonii live..cause  it cannot be grown in a lowland condition..sad...

 Another PNG orchid displayed, Dendrobium hellwingianum. Nice bluish shade!

 PNG display again..with a water feature..

 Another display, I think this is from Japan.

 Another orchid display

 and another..

  Cymbidiums and giant fans.

 A 'kampung' style display complete with a wooden house..

 Pink Calanthe hybrid on a group display..

 Deep red Calanthes on a post draped in fishing net in this seaside themed composition..

 'Avatar' inspired display.. macam filem 'Avatar' la pulak..

 This is the time to promote cultural diversity joined together with orchids..

 The famous Bali mask, adorned with orchids..

 This is one of the store selling orchids..lots of interesting stuff indeed!

Memang banyak jenis orkid yang dibawa masuk untuk diual di sini, tumpuan kami tentunya yang dari Amerika Selatan, bukan senang nak dapat..nak pi sana tambangnya pun dah berapa..

 An array of orchids cuttings that is hard to find in Malaysia, but be careful..checked their growing requirement first!

Fuh..memang rambang mata tengok semua orkid-orkid ni...pilih mana yang berkenan tapi kena tau jugak keperluan pertumbuhannya, tak boleh main sebat je..
(poket pun kena tengok jugak..he..he..)

 There are also seedlings in a flask offered for sale..

Rasa nak murah tapi banyak, beli la yang dalam botol ni tapi berjanggut la pulak nak tunggu besar tu tak kira yang mati lagi tu..

 Other store from Taiwan selling mostly Cattleya and Phalaenopsis..

 An miscellaneous mix of orchids, bulbs and cuttings from Thailand.

Masa ni la nak tengok orkid yang pelik-pelik yang susah sangat nak jumpa dijual di Malaysia..

What a colourful display of Cattleyas in one of the store..

 Cattleya, biasa la warna dan saiznya memang gah..!

 Nice splash!

 Besides orchids, there are other decorative plants like this Sundews..

Tak minat orkid, pokok lain pun ada diselit sekali..ini ialah pokok karnivor (makan serangga) iaitu Sundew..

 A very tempting but warm to cool growing, the selected clone of Sophronitis coccinea, nice round shape and flat opening petals, just look at the price..! 
 Kalau tinggal di kawasan rendah jangan harap nak tanam Sophronitis coccinea ni, lain la kalau ada 'cool house'.. Ini adalah klon terpilih gred A..Tengok la harganya..! tengok aje leee..

 Many orchid enthusiasts from around the world crowding the orchid selling sections..

Berbagai bangsa dari serata dunia datang ke sini untuk mendapatkan orkid..

 A store from USA selling a variety of Bromeliads..

Gerai dari USA ni tak jual orkid, tetapi pokok Bromeliad saja..

 A gorgeous display of Cymbidium hybrid..

 Different types of Jewels orchid offered for sale from a Malaysian store..

 A selected species and hybrids for sale in Taiwan store..

Spesis terpilih yang dijual pun adakalanya lebih cantik dari hibrid, hargapun meletup jugak, tapi memandangkan takut tidur tak lena, seluk juga poket..

 There are good array of orchid themed books offered, just choose the one you like!

 Souvenirs with an orchids that you can buy for momento..

 A learning sections..

 One of the nice orchid flower arrangements with 'under the sea' theme..orchids and other decorative foliage are camouflaged to look like colourful corals..

 Another arrangements using Renanthera orchids..

 The grand champion winner of 2011 WOC in orchid competition..

 Another winner..miniature type best dendrobium hybrid..

 A nice hybrid of Rhyncholaelia digbyana x Brassavola nodosa

 Visitors admiring all the bouquet displayed in the flower arrangements section..

 This is a very nice Dendrobium johnsoniae hybrid..sadly only for display, not for sale..

 Among the awards..Crystal and metal trophies..

Tak dapat award dapat orkid pun dah cukup baik..!

One of the a large scale flower arrangements.. among many other creations..

 Orchid art..Orchid painting competition in a gallery like display..

  Winner 1

 Winner 2

 Pitcher plants are among the displayed plants

 Paphiopedilum hybrid in a group display

            Its time to go now, Don't know whether I'll be in another WOC in future..cause next country to host the event is South Africa, next three years..

           Akhirnya poket pun dah kering kenalah balik, apa nak buat kami pergi pun dengan motto 'Alang-alang membeli biar berhabisan' ha..ha..Entah bila dapat pergi ke WOC lagi..lagi tiga tahun giliran Afrika Selatan, nun jauh di benua lain...Manalah tau ada rezeki lebih dan masa yang bersesuaian mungkin akan sampai kut..he..he..(berangan tak salah..)

The fact that I can plant a seed and it becomes a flower, 
share a bit of knowledge and it becomes another's, smile at someone 
and receive a smile in return, are to me continual spiritual exercises. 
-Leo Buscaglia

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