Friday, February 17, 2012

Bird Watch !

       Animals has been known to seek refuge and even making plants or places with bushes and trees as their home. As long as they find the place safe and suitable to them..Orchid garden also has been known to be a place for certain animals such as birds to nest..I've waited long for this to happen, and finally I got it...

      Haiwan sememangnya suka mencari perlindungan atau menjadikan tempat-tempat yang mempunyai tumbuhan dan pokok sebagai tempat tinggal..Selagi mana ia didapati sesuai dan selamat.. Tidak terkecualilah kawasan kebun orkid saya ni...Saya memang menunggu-nunggu nak buat pos ini..akhirnya dapat juga..

         One day while doing a routine check-up on my orchids, I found a bird nest with couple of eggs..I was totally not aware when did the birds built it..The nest was built inside my unused orchid pot..FYI this was a substitute picture, cause mine accidentally got deleted..but anyway this was the real eggs of this bird species..Wonder what species was this?

       Satu hari sedang jengok-jengok pokok orkid, terjumpa pulak sarang burung.. siap dah ada telur dah..tak perasan bila masa dia buat sarang. Ni gambar ganti..gambar saya yang ori dah terdelete..tapi memang gambar telur spesis burung ni yang sebenar..Sarangnya dibuat di dalam pasu lama yang saya tak sempat nak ubah..Tau spesis burung apa ni?

        On the day that I was going to Bangkok, I did take a peek..there were already two hatchlings inside..maybe just one or two days old..  

        Hari yang nak ke berangkat ke Bangkok tempoh hari , saja pi check..dah menetas dah..sempat snap gambar. Ni rasanya baru 1, 2 hari..masih merah lagi..

Back from Bangkok, Thailand..just 4 days..the hatchlings already showing a tremendous growth..they  grew so fast..!

       Balik Dari Bangkok, Thailand, tengok-tengok dah tumbuh bulu dah..baru 4 hari...cepat sungguh..

4 days later, the their feathers started getting thicker and thicker..

4 hari selepas tu..Bulu-bulu dah mula kembang dan makin tebal..

          Still at the 3/4 days interval..they were ready to leave the nest..How very fast birds grew..! This was the last picture that I've taken..cause next day the nest was empty..

          Pun dalam jangka masa 3/4 hari bulu dah penuh..dah sedia untuk terbang..Cepatnya burung membesar..! Ni lah gambar terakir yang saya snap..esok tu dah tak ada..

 Leaving this nest to me for momento..

Tinggallah sarang kosong buat kenang-kenangan..

        This is the species..Yellow Vented Bulbul, one of the common birds of Malaysia..The scientific name is Pycnonotus goiavier. A few years back the same species had built their nest on my Ceologyne rochussenii..not one but thrice on the same plant..

       I feel glad that the bird has chosen to nest in an orchid pot underneath my orchid shade, this is not something that you can see very often..

        Inilah spesis burung yang empunya sarang tu..Di sini kita panggil Merbah Kapur..agaknya sebab bahagian pipi dan kepalanya berwarna keabu-abuan..Burung ni banyak terdapat di Malaysia.. Nama sainsnya ialah Pycnonotus goiavier. Nama Inggeris Yelow Vented Bulbul.. Beberapa tahun dulu burung merbah ni dah pernah buat sarang dekat pokok orkid saya juga, Coelogyne rochussenii..bukan sekali tetapi 3 kali di pokok yang sama..

          Pada masa yang sama saya berasa seronok juga sebab rumah orkid saya dijadikan tempat tinggal oleh burung ni..bukan sesuatu yang selalu kita dapat lihat selalu...

Everything that's realistic has some sort of ugliness in it. 
Even a flower is ugly when it wilts, a bird when it seeks its prey, 
the ocean when it becomes violent.  
- Sharon Tate


  1. What pretty eggs! How fun to be able to watch the hatchlings grow!

  2. Hi,
    Notice a bird was building a nest in a tree just outside my house. Now there are 2 eggs in the nest. Was looking for the bird's name in the net an found your blog. (I suppose that is the same species). How do i download the pic of the nest/eggs into your blog? Thank you

  3. Hi,
    Notice a bird was building a nest in a tree just outside my house. Now there are 2 eggs in the nest. Was looking for the bird's name in the net an found your blog. (I suppose that is the same species). How do i download the pic of the nest/eggs into your blog? Thank you

  4. best dpt tgk dari telur smpai dia meninggalkan sarang

  5. best dpt tgk dari telur smpai dia meninggalkan sarang

  6. best dpt tgk dari telur smpai dia meninggalkan sarang
