These are pictures of selected orchid blooms and with close-ups in my garden recently both species and hybrids
Orkid spesis dan hybrid yang mekar baru-baru ini..
Cattleya forbesii
Bulbophyllum sanguineopunctatum
Dendrobium farmeri
Cattleya noID
Notylia barkeri
Lc. Wayndora x Cattleya Thospol spot
Catasetum pileatum
Epidendrum stamfordianum
Blc. Memoria Tiang 'Pipop'
Dendrobium Hybrid noID
Rsc. Yen Corona
Dendrobium Hybrid noID
Beauty is but a flower,
which wrinkles will devour.
- Thomas Nash
Cattleya Forbesii,Epidendrum stamfordianum dan Rsc. Yen Corona yang sungguh mengujakan.