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Showing posts with label Bangkok. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bangkok. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Jalan-Jalan Cari Orkid : Bangkok, Thailand..Part 8

          This is the final part of my 'orchid adventures' in Thailand..During my last day in Bangkok, me and my three friends managed to visit just another garden centre..I didn't know what was the name of the place..

          Ini adalah bahagian terakhir kisah 'pengembaraan mencari orkid' saya. Hari terakhir di Bangkok..penerbangan pada pukul 2 petang, tapi pagi tu sempat lagi merayau cari orkid di tepat lain lagi..

          Early morning in Bangkok..while walking we've asked one taxi driver whether he knew any orchid sites around, he said that there was a garden centre 45 minutes from where we we try our luck..

          Waktu pagi di Bangkok..semasa berjalan cari sarapan, jumpa seorang pemandu teksi, saja tanya kalau ada tempat jual orkid berdekatan..Dia kata ada satu pusat tanaman hiasan dalam lingkungan 45 minit dari sini..jadi kami cubalah nasib..

          On the right you see a garden centre located beside the main road..the taxi driver wanted to wait for us.. time is running out! so we just scramble around looking for orchid store..we have to be back at the hotel around 11 o'clock..

          Sebelah kanan tu lah pusat jualan tanaman hiasan..Pemandu teksi tu sanggup nak tunggu kami..lepas tu terus buat tinjauan la..kalut lah sikit sebab masa dah suntuk !, kami kena ada di hotel semula jam 11 pagi..

        This was one of the orchid store that we've found..not many orchids store here..Unfortunately nothing special..just the ordinary ones..

        Ni lah salah satu gerai orkid yang sempat dilihat..tak banyak kedai pun.. Tak ada satu pun orkid yang 'special'..Masuk angin keluar asap la..tak apa tu semua pengalaman...

        The last look of the Bangkok city along the way to the airport..Given the opportunity, surely I will come again next time..there were so many more things to experience..Lots of other 'orchids places' that hopefully, I will get the chance to visit..

        I think orchid is one of the reason that I got the opportunity to visit foreign land..otherwise it might be a little bit later..

        Disebabkan meminati orkid inilah sedikit sebanyak telah menjadi faktor saya menjelajah ke bumi asing, kalau tidak mungkin belum rasanya..
       Selamat tinggal Bangkok!. Harap-harap dapat peluang lagi ke sini..Banyak perkara yang belum sempat dilihat..banyak lagi 'tempat orkid' yang mana pada suatu hari nanti harapnya, akan berpeluang dilawati..

Sampai jumpa lagi..

Reflection is a flower of the mind, giving out wholesome fragrance; but revelry is the same flower, 
when rank and running to seed.  
- Desiderius Erasmus

Jalan-Jalan Cari Orkid : Bangkok, Thailand..Part 7

          Finally we arrived in Bangkok, there we go straight to Siam Orchid Centre, Here lots of orchids from all over Thailand were gathered in one place..In this place you can see many different species of orchids were sold and the price was also cheap..

          Akhirnya kami selamat tiba di Bandaraya Bangkok..Di sana kami terus ke Siam Orchid Centre..Di sini terdapat berbagai jenis orkid yang diambil dari seluruh Thailand untuk dijual di sini. Jadi ada banyaklah spesis orkid yang boleh dipilih..harga pun murah..

This place was not that big..

Tempat ni taklah besar mana pun..

Colourfuly displayed orchids in one of the stall..

Bunches of orchid, mainly Cattleya and dendrobium inside a box..

Di sini banyak terdapat orkid jenis Cattleya dan Dendrobium tapi nak cari yang 'special' susah..

A group of Phalaenopsis on a bench..inside one shop..

A nice display of orchids inside a basket..

Di Malaysia susah jumpa orang jual orkid buat display macam ni..


Other than orchids there were other plants such as these bromeliads..

Selain orkid, banyak juga jenis pokok hiasan lain seperti bromeliad ni..

 ..and also gardening products were abundant..

          Though it seemed that there was a lot of orchids here..very few that managed to catch my attention. I only bought three plants..We were also wanted to go to the famous Chattuchak Market just across the road, unfortunately they were closed that luck this time..otherwise there will be more variety of orchids that we can find..

           Thats the end of our visit here..we have to go to hotel to relax after almost a day travelling and shopping for orchids..

to be continued ..

           Walaupun nampak macam orkid di sini banyak, tapi hanya ada beberapa pokok saja yang menarik minat saya. Sebab yang ada di sini semua biasa saja.. Dapat la dalam tiga pokok saja untuk koleksi..Hajatnya jugak nak pi Pasar Besar Chattuchak, seberang jalan sikit saja, tapi tutup pulak hari tu...kalau tidak, di situ orkid lagi meriah..tak ada rezeki la kali ni..

            Sampai di sini lawatan kami..lepas ni nak pergi hotel, rehat.. setelah seharian dalam perjalanan dan membelek orkid..


Politeness is the flower of humanity. 
- Joseph Joubert


Monday, February 13, 2012

Jalan-Jalan Cari Orkid : Bangkok, Thailand..Part 6

         This was the last day we were in the outskirt of Bangkok..actually all the farms that we've visited were there..Along the way to the heart of Bangkok city we decided to give another go on another farm. This time its Chulee's..

         Dalam perjalanan ke Bandaraya Bangkok, sempat lagi tu singgah di satu lagi ladang orkid iaitu Chulee..tengok apa yang ada di sini...

Here too they have Vanda and Ascocenda 
that can last a lifetime..!

Vanda dengan Asco lagiii...takpa kita cari kut-kut ada yang lain..
Tempat ni becak sikit..maklumlah duk tengah-tengah bendang..

Cleisostoma species.

Angraecum distichum.
from Central Africa, specifically Gabon and Cameroon..

Ascocentrum curvifolium. A native species of Thailand

I've got some orchids here..then we heading straight to Bangkok City..

to be continued..

Ada la beli orkid sikit di sini, Ye la..bukan senang nak datang..
setelah selesai pilih pokok kami terus gerak ke Bandaraya 


The Japanese say, If the flower is to be beautiful, it must be cultivated. 
- Lester Cole

Jalan-Jalan Cari Orkid : Bangkok, Thailand..Part 5

          Next we went to Mr. Adisak's other farm..vandas and Ascocendas still dominating the scene..located just opposite each other..but the entrance was on the other side..

          Sambung lagi kali ni sampai di En. Adisak yang lagi satu...ladang ni masih juga didominasi oleh vanda dan Ascocenda.. Kedua-duanya terletak berdepan antara satu sama lain tetapi pintu masuk yang ini di sebelah belakang..

We were greeted with thousands of orchid seedlings still in a bottles..
waiting to be distributed or planted later..

Sampai-sampai saja di ladang tu nampaklah beribu-beribu botol yang penuh 
dengan anak-anak orkid disusun di kaki lima rumah..

Cleisostoma species with a striking colouration..

Unidentified Flickingeria species..a Dendrobium allies..

Cymbidium Golden Elf

  Down here were other decorative plants that I manage to snap during the visit..which I've found interesting..

Tillandsia Bulbosa

This is actually some kind of ferns..very exotic looking..
this fern actually originated from my country..

This is Golden lotus banana, Musella lasciocarpa. 
Other names is Chinese dwarf banana..

           Phyllanthus acidus :  In Malay it was called 'Buah cermai', other names are Otaheite gooseberry, Malay gooseberry, Tahitian gooseberry, country gooseberry, star gooseberry, West India gooseberry, simply gooseberry tree. Believed to be the native of Madagascar and the species has spread to most tropical and subtropical either cultivated for food, folk-medicine or as ornamental. Sourish fruit either consumed raw, pickled or used in the preparation of chutney. I've read somewhere, that here in Thailand, this tree was planted close to the entrance of the house compound to ward of evil spirits..

          Di Thailand pokok Cermai ni selalu ditanam di kawasan rumah terutamanya berhampiran pintu pagar untuk menghalau roh jahat..

A few surrounding scenes captured at the farm

Time to go hotel..

to be continued..

Masa untuk hotel..

bersambung lagi..

Jalan-Jalan Cari Orkid : Bangkok, Thailand..Part 4

          ..Continuing my journey, the next morning we went to Mr. Adisak Hongsilp orchid farm..As I was expected, I got to see more and more vanda and ascocenda..WTH..! lol..Isn't there any other orchid farm that was not filled with just these orchids? But don't get me wrong I'm not complaining at all cause I treat this as an opportunity that surely cannot be missed..not many orchid lovers got the chance like this.. visiting these farms in neighbouring country gave me a whole new experience..How successful Thai people with their orchids especially Vanda and Ascocendas..lots of respect to them..! 

          ..Pada pagi keesokannya, perjalanan diteruskan ke Mr. Adisak Hongsilp's orchid farm..Seperti yang dijangka, rupanya tempat ni pun sama macam yang lain..vanda, ascocenda..itu saja..Macam la kat Thailand ni  semua ladang vanda saja..Tapi jangan rasa komen ni negatif pulak..sebab saya menganggapnya satu peluang yang bukan semua orang dapat..Melawat ke ladang-ladang yang macam ni bagi banyak peluang dan pengalaman..Bagaimana berjayanya peladang-peladang orkid di Thailand menjadi pengeluar Vanda dan Ascocenda terbaik di dunia..saya tabik..!

          I don't want to put many pictures while I was in this farm because more or less, all the pictures will look the same like my previous posts on this title..there was the same kind of plant all around..

          Kalau dah pergi ke ladang yang mempunyai pokok-pokok yang sama, gambar pun lebih kurang saja..jadi saya masukkan sedikit sahajalah untuk pos ni..

Rhyncostylis retusa

A display of flowering Rhyncostylis gigantea on a big tree stump..

A Phalaenopsis hybrid..

Dendrobium senile                      Peristeria elata

         Actually there are some truly beautiful Ryncostylis gigantea variant in Mr. Adisak's farm, I did try my luck, but as expected the usual sentence.. 'not for sale' ! lol..

          Sebenarnya ada banyak sangat spesis Rhyncostylis gigantea yang sangat cantik di sini..Saya pun cubalah nasib..tapi jawapannya..yang membosankan..' tak boleh dijual..!'

Vanda..vanda and more vanda..! To those who love these orchids, 
While here..will be spoiled with choices..

 Kalau sesapa yang 'gila' Vanda ngan Asco,
datang sini memang boleh 'juling' bijik mata..

 A nice and healthy Tillandsia clump..

Bulbophylum mastersianum

            Here, amidst the vandas and ascos, there was still a treat to me and my other two friends, for example like this primary hybrid of Bulbophyllum ( arfakianum  x longisepalum) though at first this was not for sale, but at last I've got the one cutting..!

           Di tengah-tengan Vanda dan Asco, adalah juga sesuatu yang lain terselit..macam Bulbophyllum ni..(arfakianumx x longisepalum)..mulanya tak nak jual..try sekali lagi dapat la satu ' cutting'..

Can't identify exactly what species of dendrobium is this, 
I suspect that it is Dendrobium amethystoglossum..

Tak pasti apa spesis ni..bunga banyak,
dalam gambar ni cuma ambil yang satu spike saja.
Rasanya macam Dendrobium amethystoglossum..
dapat beli satu keiki..harga meletup jugak..!

A nice shade of yellow on this Ascocenda..

A lavender shade Vanda..

After Mr. Adisak's place we were going to another farm to see what was offered there..

 to be continued..

 Setelah dapat beberapa jenis orkid yang berkenan..walaupun tak banyak yang dibeli..(tak apa..duit tak abis..) kami pun terus gerak ke satu lagi nurseri..


The fairest thing in nature, a flower, still has its roots in earth and manure.
 - David Herbert Lawrence