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Showing posts with label Dendrobium. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dendrobium. Show all posts

Monday, February 27, 2012

         Dendrobiums were among the most varied orchids family known, lots of variety and forms as a species and not to mention their hybrids. They offers a vast array in terms of growing condition, flower forms and plants that are available in every sizes..To me the warm to hot growing ones are easiest to grow cause I live in tropical climate, they are doing quite well with me..

        Earlier this year I've bought  quite a number of dendrobium hybrids, those that looked good in my eyes..I've got no time to make a post about it earlier, so here they are..I'll find their name later..

        Antara spesis orkid yang paling banyak variasi ialah dendrobium. Ada macam-macam, kadang-kadang tak nampak macam dendrobium pun..kalau hibrid lagi macam-macam la.Selain tu juga spesis ni terdapat pelbagai saiz, bentuk bunga, ada yang perlukan cuaca sederhana dan ada yang mahukan cuaca panas..Selalunya bagi yang mula-mula nak tanam orkid ni la yang mula ditanam.

        Awal tahun ni saya ada la borong beberapa pokok yang berkenan..yang nampak special di mata..Tak sempat nak buat pos pasal ni hari tu.. sibuk buat pos lain dulu..apapun nilah Dendrobium yang telah dibeli..Nama cari kemudianlah..

          Most of the plants are not looking good yet..Definitely there's a potential there, just needs more love and care :) ..they'll be at their best in no time..! hopefully..

          Semua pokok-pokok ni tak nampak cantiknya lagi..Potensi tu memang ada, cuma yang diperlukan ialah sedikit lagi kasih sayang dan penjagaan yang rapi :) lepas tu baru boleh masuk 'gelanggang'..Harap-harap..

Us sing and dance, make faces and give flower bouquets, trying to be loved. 
You ever notice that trees do everything to get attention we do, except walk? 
                                                                                       - Alice Walker