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Showing posts with label Thailand. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thailand. Show all posts

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Jalan-jalan cari orkid : Hadyaai, Thailand

              Tahun ni OC beraya sakan pergi rumah geng orkid yang dikenali..nak update blog pun tak sempat. Hari ni baru ada masa sikit..Alkisahnya kali ni OC nak ceritakan tentang Ekspo Mo'o ( ejaan ruminya macam ni la kut) di Hadyaai Thailand..Ni dah kira acara tahunan OC dan geng..Kali ni jatuh dalam bulan puasa..aduh..banyak la cabarannya..Tapi demi orkid (he..he) OC gagahkan juga dalam cuaca panas dan keletihan berjalan kaki membelek orkid di sana..

              I've been visiting Thailand again this year for another orchid 'shopping'..along with my two friends. It has been my yearly trip for us in the past few years. This is the southern part of Thailand, Hadyaai to be exact. Every year in August, an agricultural expo was held in the Prince Of Songkhla University compound. Orchids was among the main attraction here we are..again..

 Sepanjang perjalanan...

Somewhere along the way..

 Lokasi Ekspo ni ialah di kawasan Universiti Prince Of Songkhla..
Ini kebun sayuran yang diusahakan oleh penuntut di situ..
gemuk-gemuk betul, geram tengok..!

Nice vegetable garden they have here, grown by the students.

 Tahun-tahun sebelumnya tak ada kanopi, 
tapi tahun ni di kawasan laluan utama dah ada..
tak lah teruk sangat kepanasan..sebabnya Ekspo ini semakin dikenali 
dan semakin ramai orang yang datang..

This time they've built a canopy , 
providing shade to the visitors from the heat..

 Tahun ni jualan orkid tak meriah sangat, 
sebabnya ialah banjir yang berlaku tahun lepas jadi kuranglah sikit..

There was not as many orchids on sale this year, 
possibly because of the bad flood last year, so some of the plants in the affected nursery
 may take some time to recover..

 Bukan setakat orkid spesis pakis ni pun ada..macam-macam..

Not just orchid, but this fern related species available for sale..

 Kali ni musim Aerides lawrenceae..
merata gerai ada..cantik-cantik..tapi OC tak beli lah pulak..
entah rasa tak teringin..

Lots of flowering Aerides lawrenceae this time around..

 Paphiopedilum hybrid..

 Paphiopedilum bellatulum

 Paphiopedilum leucochilum

  Paphiopedilum leucochilum..yang ni 'marking' nya cantik..

This one got a very nice marking..

Dalam OC dok tengok macam-macam pokok tu 
ada juga yang menarik perhatian, contoh macam rumput padang 
'variegated' ni..tak penah OC tengok lagi ni..

There is always some interesting plants to see in 
this agricultural event like this variegated grass.

 Ionopsis paniculata, kalau dah di 'display' macam ni memang menangkap mata..

 Ionopsis paniculata 'shower'

 Grammatophyllum scriptum, 'marking' nya cantik

Grammatophyllum scriptum, with a special 'marking'. Sample only..

 Dendrobium unicum

 'Display' jualan ni dah macam taman bromeliad..

Bromeliads for sale

 ...berbagai spesis, warna dan bentuk..

Choose which one you prefer..

 A striking deep red and pink..

 Tidak ketinggalan..pokok periuk kera ini..Nepenthes rafflesiana..

Carnivorous plants, a suitable companion plants to bromeliads. 
This is Nepenthes rafflesiana..

 Grammatophyllum speciosum

 Satu lagi pokok periuk kera berasal dari US, spesis Sarracenia.

 Shoenorchis fragrans, walaupun bunganya kecil tapi sangat cantik!

Shoenorchis fragrans, though small but the flowers are very pretty!

 Dendrobium bracteosum

Cymbidium madidum, spesis dari Australia

Australian, cymbidium madidum


 Kali ni tak banyak orkid yang 'special' banyak yang biasa saja..
tak apa lah duit boleh simpan..he..he..

Not many special hybrids or species this time around, all the usual ones..

 Parang dan pisau pun ada...

 Bunga teratai yang ada di sini macam-macam warna..

multicoloured waterlilies..

 Jalan-jalan beriringan, toleh kiri toleh kanan..kut-kut ada yang berkenan..!

 Paphiopedilum concolor

 Keladi hiasan yang telah dikacuk..

 Oncidium hibrid..

 Benih pokok kelapa bantut yang berbuah lebat..

A seedlings of a dwarf coconut tree..

 Barangan kraf pun tak ketinggalan untuk dijual..

Bamboo craft items

 Nah..kereta pun ada..termasuk juga alatan jentera pertanian yang OC tak ambil gambar..

Not just plants, there were cars and other agricultural machines on sale..

 Hiasan cenderahati yang berwarna-warni..

Colourful trinkets, souvenir and stuff..

 Arnab yang comel-comel..

Pet rabbits

 Burung flamingo plastik ni buat hiasan taman boleh la..

Pink flamingos for garden settings..

 Pokok resam batu atau begonia ni dah dikacuk jadi macam bunga ros dah..

A new begonia hybrid..

Hutan Monsun Tropika di Thailand memang banyak spesis buluh..
ni salah satu gerai yang jual banyak spesis untuk hiasan..
ada juga jenis buluh yang sebesar tiang eletrik..


Akhir sekali gerai-gerai makanan dan buah-buahan juga banyak di sini..
makanan muslim pun ada, sayangnya masa ni bulan puasa, jadi tengok saja la..

You can enjoy local delicacies and not forgetting local fruits here too..

             Dah penat berjalan dapat la OC beli beberapa orkid yang berkenan, tahun ni tak meriah dengan orkid sangat seperti tahun-tahun yang sebelumnya..apa pun pengalaman di sini memang tak dapat dilupakan..Tahun depan OC akan pergi lagi..jika keadaan mengizinkan..

             Finally, I got few orchids that I like, though not as many as last year. This is an experience that I'll never forget, I'll be back next year hopefully..

Die when I may, I want it said by those who knew me best 
that I always plucked a thistle and planted a flower 
where I thought a flower would grow.
 - Abraham Lincoln

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Jalan-Jalan Cari Orkid : Bangkok, Thailand..Part 8

          This is the final part of my 'orchid adventures' in Thailand..During my last day in Bangkok, me and my three friends managed to visit just another garden centre..I didn't know what was the name of the place..

          Ini adalah bahagian terakhir kisah 'pengembaraan mencari orkid' saya. Hari terakhir di Bangkok..penerbangan pada pukul 2 petang, tapi pagi tu sempat lagi merayau cari orkid di tepat lain lagi..

          Early morning in Bangkok..while walking we've asked one taxi driver whether he knew any orchid sites around, he said that there was a garden centre 45 minutes from where we we try our luck..

          Waktu pagi di Bangkok..semasa berjalan cari sarapan, jumpa seorang pemandu teksi, saja tanya kalau ada tempat jual orkid berdekatan..Dia kata ada satu pusat tanaman hiasan dalam lingkungan 45 minit dari sini..jadi kami cubalah nasib..

          On the right you see a garden centre located beside the main road..the taxi driver wanted to wait for us.. time is running out! so we just scramble around looking for orchid store..we have to be back at the hotel around 11 o'clock..

          Sebelah kanan tu lah pusat jualan tanaman hiasan..Pemandu teksi tu sanggup nak tunggu kami..lepas tu terus buat tinjauan la..kalut lah sikit sebab masa dah suntuk !, kami kena ada di hotel semula jam 11 pagi..

        This was one of the orchid store that we've found..not many orchids store here..Unfortunately nothing special..just the ordinary ones..

        Ni lah salah satu gerai orkid yang sempat dilihat..tak banyak kedai pun.. Tak ada satu pun orkid yang 'special'..Masuk angin keluar asap la..tak apa tu semua pengalaman...

        The last look of the Bangkok city along the way to the airport..Given the opportunity, surely I will come again next time..there were so many more things to experience..Lots of other 'orchids places' that hopefully, I will get the chance to visit..

        I think orchid is one of the reason that I got the opportunity to visit foreign land..otherwise it might be a little bit later..

        Disebabkan meminati orkid inilah sedikit sebanyak telah menjadi faktor saya menjelajah ke bumi asing, kalau tidak mungkin belum rasanya..
       Selamat tinggal Bangkok!. Harap-harap dapat peluang lagi ke sini..Banyak perkara yang belum sempat dilihat..banyak lagi 'tempat orkid' yang mana pada suatu hari nanti harapnya, akan berpeluang dilawati..

Sampai jumpa lagi..

Reflection is a flower of the mind, giving out wholesome fragrance; but revelry is the same flower, 
when rank and running to seed.  
- Desiderius Erasmus

Jalan-Jalan Cari Orkid : Bangkok, Thailand..Part 7

          Finally we arrived in Bangkok, there we go straight to Siam Orchid Centre, Here lots of orchids from all over Thailand were gathered in one place..In this place you can see many different species of orchids were sold and the price was also cheap..

          Akhirnya kami selamat tiba di Bandaraya Bangkok..Di sana kami terus ke Siam Orchid Centre..Di sini terdapat berbagai jenis orkid yang diambil dari seluruh Thailand untuk dijual di sini. Jadi ada banyaklah spesis orkid yang boleh dipilih..harga pun murah..

This place was not that big..

Tempat ni taklah besar mana pun..

Colourfuly displayed orchids in one of the stall..

Bunches of orchid, mainly Cattleya and dendrobium inside a box..

Di sini banyak terdapat orkid jenis Cattleya dan Dendrobium tapi nak cari yang 'special' susah..

A group of Phalaenopsis on a bench..inside one shop..

A nice display of orchids inside a basket..

Di Malaysia susah jumpa orang jual orkid buat display macam ni..


Other than orchids there were other plants such as these bromeliads..

Selain orkid, banyak juga jenis pokok hiasan lain seperti bromeliad ni..

 ..and also gardening products were abundant..

          Though it seemed that there was a lot of orchids here..very few that managed to catch my attention. I only bought three plants..We were also wanted to go to the famous Chattuchak Market just across the road, unfortunately they were closed that luck this time..otherwise there will be more variety of orchids that we can find..

           Thats the end of our visit here..we have to go to hotel to relax after almost a day travelling and shopping for orchids..

to be continued ..

           Walaupun nampak macam orkid di sini banyak, tapi hanya ada beberapa pokok saja yang menarik minat saya. Sebab yang ada di sini semua biasa saja.. Dapat la dalam tiga pokok saja untuk koleksi..Hajatnya jugak nak pi Pasar Besar Chattuchak, seberang jalan sikit saja, tapi tutup pulak hari tu...kalau tidak, di situ orkid lagi meriah..tak ada rezeki la kali ni..

            Sampai di sini lawatan kami..lepas ni nak pergi hotel, rehat.. setelah seharian dalam perjalanan dan membelek orkid..


Politeness is the flower of humanity. 
- Joseph Joubert