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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Jalan-jalan cari orkid : Merbok, Kedah

          We come again to another 'episode' of orchid 'shopping' trip..Actually this time around we (me and my other two friends) brought fellow orchid hobbyist from Singapore. He wanted to find some orchids for his collection..The nursery that we went to was called N&T Orchid, located in Merbok, Kedah one of the northern state of Malaysia..Actually we are a regular here, so we just showing the way to our since we are here, how can we resist the temptation not to look for one or two orchids for our own collection.! The owner of the Nursery is Lawrance Tang. For foreign visitors in this blog, you might knew him cause he travels all over the world to sell orchids in international orchid and flower shows.. 

          Jumpa lagi kali ni dalam 'episod' jalan-jalan cari orkid, Sebenarnya kali ni saya dan dua rakan lain hanya jadi penunjuk jalan untuk seorang 'sahabat orkid' dari Singapura yang bercadang nak beli pokok untuk koleksinya..Nurseri yang kami singgah tu namanya N&T Orchid, terletak di Merbok, Kedah. Dah datang sini faham-faham sajalah, takkan nak tengok saja..boleh ke tahan..? Tauke nurseri ni Lawrance Tang, rasanya kalau peminat orkid yang selalu pi pesta orkid atau flora mesti pernah jumpa dengan beliau..tapi beliau juga menjual orkid di pesta orkid dan bunga di luar negara..

 Creative way to use the old driftwood..

Variety of Phalaenopsis species and hybrids and 
other shade loving plants are planted here..

 70% of the orchids here are species..
local and from other countries..
To tha species lovers this is one of the place to be..

Rasanya dalam 70% koleksi orkid di nurseri ni 
adalah spesis orkid dalam dan luar negara..
kalau kaki spesis memang 'gila' la kalau datang sini..

 Another view from other angle..

 Rows of orchids in the nursery..

Bulbophyllums in a pot

 Cymbidium atropurpureum

 Closer look at the cymbidium..Dying to have this..
This is one of the most beautiful I've ever seen..! 
Finally I got one cutting..!  
Thanks Lawrance..!

Cymbidium atropurpureum hutan ni antara 
yang paling cantik pernah saya lihat..meleleh air liur..!
akhirnya dapat juga satu 'cutting' ! 
Terima Kasih Lawrance!

Jewel orchid species..

 Dossinia marmorata

 Ludisia discolor green variety

 Bulbophyllum claptonense var aurea..
 warna kuningnya memang cantik..bersih..

Bulbophyllum decurviscapum                Bulbophyllum becarrii

Dendrobium Monalex 
(Dendrobium bracteosum x Dendrobium smilliae)

Dendrobium hybrids

 Dendrobium cruentum..
it was reported that this species was already extinct in the wild..
now only nursery grown plant..

Spesis ni dalam hutan dah tak ada..
cuma yang ditanam dalam nurseri sahaja..

 Bulbophylum phalaenopsis

   Bulbophylum species            Cleisocentron merillianum

 Bulbophyllum species

 A very nice form and colour of Arundina graminifolia

 Nice Dendrobium formosae hybrids. 
Unfortunately the 'not for sale' one..

 Cattleya luedemanniana

 Cattleya walkeriana coerulea

 Sobralia species

Dendrochilum species                   Isochilus species

 Cattleya nobilior var amaliae

Spathoglottis hybrid                Dendrobium stratiotes

Truthfully speaking we are not planning to buy anything...We went there with the hope there was nothing interesting to buy..( that was going to thing was that we were the first ones who bought orchids than our Singaporean friend.. lol..

 Memang betul-betul mulanya tak nak beli apa-apa..harap-harap tak adalah yang menarik hati..maklumlah poket tak cukup besar, Tapi akhirnya kami yang beli orkid dulu dari rakan Singapura tu..ha..ha..

How can you consider flower power outdated? 
The essence of my lyrics is the desire for peace and harmony. 
That's all anyone has ever wanted. 
How could it become outdated? 
- Robert Plant