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Friday, February 10, 2012

Jalan-Jalan Cari Orkid : Bangkok, Thailand Part 2

..My journey continued to the next nursery, after hours on the road, going through the hilly countryside outside Bangkok, finally we arrived at the Suanpheung Orchid in Ratchaburi province. It is said that this place is close to the Myanmar border..Correct me if I'm wrong..Its a pretty nice view around here.. Kinda different compared to my country, Malaysia especially in terms of the vegetation..cause this was a monsoon tropical forest, where there were not much of a big trees and thick jungle like in the tropical rainforest..Truthfully I never thought that someday I would come here..Though a bit tired, all the experiences were worth it..lets take a look..

..Perjalanan saya diteruskan lagi ke nurseri yang seterusnya, selepas berjam-jam naik van melalui kawasan berbukit dan perkampungan di luar Bangkok, kami tiba di Suanpheung Orchid yang terletak di wilayah Ratchaburi..Katanya tempat ni tak jauh dengan sempadan Myanmar..Betulkan kalau saya silap..Pemandangan di sini memang lain dari Malaysia terutama kawasan bukitnya yang macam tak ada pokok besar semua macam semak samun saja, pokok buluh memang banyak..Beginilah rupanya keadaan hutan monsun tropika..tak ada hutan tebal macam di Malaysia..Sebenarnya memang tak pernah mimpi sampai ke kawasan sini pun..walaupun letih berjalan, pengalaman ini sangat berharga..jom kita tengok apa yang ada di sini..

        This place is like a large 'department store' selling orchids, so it was open to the public. Its not a nursery there was no seedlings only mature orchids for sale.

        Tempat ni macam 'supermarket' orkid..jadi sesapa pun boleh masuk. Jadi ni bukan nurseri yang ada anak-anak orkid semua pokok yang sudah matang dan mengeluarkan bunga sahaja yang dijual.

This was the entrance..orchids were on the left side..

Ini pintu masuk, pokok-pokok orkid terletak di sebelah kiri.

         On the way inside there was a lot of orchid display mainly Grammatophyllum speciosum and Rhynchostylis gigantea.

         Semasa dalam perjalanan masuk ke dalam, sebelah kiri penuh dengan Grammatophyllum speciosum dan Rhyncostylis gigantea.

         A colourful display of Acocenda orchids just before another entrance inside the front there was a bench for sitting or taking pictures

         Berhampiran dengan pintu masuk di dalam kedai, adalah display pokok-pokok Ascocenda yang berwarna warni diletakkan dekat nama kedai ni..ada kerusi di hadapan boleh la kalau nak bergambar..

This is the main entrance to all orchids for sale inside..

Pintu masuk utama untuk melihat orkid yang dipamerkan untuk dijual..

        Just beside the entrance a display of  phalaenopsis cornu-cervi (left) and Dendrobium lindleyi (right) on a large wooden pole..

        Di tepi pintu masuk ada la pokok-pokok phalaenopsis cornu-cervi dan Dendrobium lindleyi yang diletakan atas tiang kayu..

Here is one flowering Dendrobium lindleyi and on the right is
a mixture of other native wild orchids on a tree..

       Once inside, you can see a lot of orchid on display according to their hybrids and variety..choose whatever to your liking..(beware of the not for sale one :)..)

       Langkah saja masuk di pintu utama, ada kiri kanan penuh dengan orkid..ha pilih la mana yang berkenan..jaga-jaga dengan pokok yang tidak dijual :)..ambil boleh pastu kena letak balik..!

Around 70% of orchids here were Vanda and Ascocenda..another 30% a mixture of other orchids..

Rasanya dalam 70% orkid di sini adalah Vanda dan Ascocenda..baki 30% ada lah orkid campur-campur..

An array of Grammatophyllum scriptum..

On the left was Vanda lamellata hybrid, on the right was red Ascocenda

Walking in the middle of Vandas, looking for a nice one..

Jalan-jalan di tengah-tengan rimbunan orkid vanda..
kut-kut terjumpa yang berkenan di hati..

       Found one! a very neat white Ascocenda..definitely can win prizes in orchid competition..the prize was also cheap..but I have to let it go..why? The answer was in my previous post..

       Jumpa satu! Ascocenda putih yang cantik..kalau masuk pertandingan dengan bunga yang macam ni mesti menang punyalah..harga pun murah..tapi terpaksa dilepaskan kepada orang lain..kenapa? Jawapannya ada di dalam pos yang sebelum ini..

Dendrobium primulinum                Bulbophyllum lindleyi. 

A nice tolumnia hybrid..I already bought this one :)
Definitely can't let it go..

Hibrid tolumnia ni memang cantik dan berkualiti, 
apa lagi terus sambar, yang ni memang tak boleh lepas..

        Even though this was a large farm, There were not many species orchids here just hybrids. Even if there was a species, only the native ones like these Seidenfadenia mitrata..The farm mainly concentrate on monopodials..
        Walaupun tempat ni besar, tak banyak orkid spesis. Kalau ada pun yang tempatan seperti Seidenfadenia mitrata ni. Orkid di sini lebih tertumpu pada jenis hibrid monopodial sahaja..

 A specimen plant of Coelogyne lentiginosa

        This is the time of Rhyncostylis gigantea..all the plants in the region put out a display of colourful splashes during these dry season..

        Sekarang ni masa Rhnycostylis gigantea berbunga..semua pokok di kawasan ni mengeluarkan bunga yang banyak pada musim kering ni, tempat dia.. macam-macam bentuk dan warna ada..

Vandacostylis 'Colmarie' 
(Vandacostylis 'Sri Siam' x Rhyncostylis gigantea)

Vanda coerulea. 
Native to northern Thailand and the Khasia foothills 
of the Indian Himalayas..

       A very stunning selected sib cross of Vanda coerulea. This is a wonderful plant which will tolerate intermediate to cool temperatures but will also do well in warm temperatures.

Another display of yellow and red Vascostylis hybrid 

       The time was already late..Night was going to fall..Got a few nice going back to hotel..waiting for tomorrows adventure..So, this was the end of my visit to Suanpheung Orchids..see you in my next update.. be continued..

        Masa pun dah lewat petang, Di Thailand ni pukul 6 dah mula gelap. Pokok yang berkenan pun dah dapat, walaupun tak banyak..Kena lah balik semula ke hotel..Esok akan bermula kembali perjalanan ke orkid nurseri yang lain pula..Jadi sampai di sini lawatan saya di Suanpheung Orchids ni..jumpa lagi di pos yang seterusnya..


Love is like a beautiful flower which I may not touch, 
but whose fragrance makes the garden a place of delight just the same. 
- Helen Keller


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